pass a bill

美 [pæs ə bɪl]英 [pɑːs ə bɪl]
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pass a billpass a bill
  1. Well , I have one answer for that : Pass a bill .


  2. She had fought for years trying to pass a bill to protect women against domestic violence .


  3. Will he do it before or after Republicans pass a bill to fund the government ?


  4. Before quitting , Mr Kan also hopes to pass a bill to promote renewable energy .


  5. Why the hurry to pass a bill ?


  6. The President is Congress to pass a bill that triples US aid to Pakistan .


  7. And I am confident that we will pass a bill to protect the financial security of every American very soon .


  8. Confidence has also been rattled by plans to pass a bill letting unions organise without a secret ballot .


  9. Democratic leaders in Congress say they hope to pass a bill for the president to sign by the end of the year .


  10. Patrick said on his monthly radio show this morning that he expects to pass a bill this year , but promised a robust public process .


  11. Now they 're denying her a vote until they can figure out how to pass a bill on a completely unrelated issue .


  12. Following years of lobbying by bricks-and-mortar stores , the US Senate is expected today to pass a bill that would help end tax-free online shopping .


  13. Right now , Congress should pass a bill to help states prevent more layoffs , so we can put thousands of teachers and firefighters and police officers back on the job .


  14. For more than 20 years , Ron Paul , the Texan Republican , has been trying to pass a bill that would audit the Fed 's monetary policy decisions .


  15. That 's why I urge the Senate to follow the House and pass a bill that will revitalize our community colleges , which are a career pathway to the children of so many working families .


  16. Seiko Noda , who heads an LDP study group that is drafting the legislation , said the target was to pass a bill by the end of the next ordinary diet session in June 2008 .


  17. Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner warned lawmakers that if they did not pass a bill Thursday - even a temporary measure to fund the government - they would have to stay in Washington until Christmas .


  18. But if we 're truly going to reward the hard work of every American , Congress needs to join the rest of the country and pass a bill that would lift the federal minimum wage to ten dollars and ten cents an hour .


  19. Formal pass of a bill into law to become an act of parliament


  20. Lawmakers need to pass a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown .


  21. To pass ( a bill of exchange , such as a check ) through a clearing - house .


  22. So Congress still has to pass a spending bill by January 15th to truly keep the government open .


  23. We should be able to pass a farm bill that helps rural communities grow and protects vulnerable Americans in hard times .


  24. That 's why I fought so hard to pass a jobs bill to cut taxes and make more loans available for entrepreneurs .


  25. In coming days , the U.S. Senate is expected to pass a spending bill for the remainder of the current fiscal year .


  26. We 've worked with Congress to pass a bipartisan bill to set the expectation that every student should graduate from high school ready for college and a good job .


  27. The president has urged the two chambers to quickly pass a compromise bill , saying that every day of delay means more Americans lose their jobs , their savings and their homes .


  28. But this is not , as some would have it , wholly the fault of balky American senators who have refused to pass a cap-and-trade bill fast enough .


  29. The best way to help these States is for the folks in Congress to pass a farm bill that not only helps farmers and ranchers respond to natural disasters , but also makes some necessary reforms and gives farmers and ranchers some long-term certainty .


  30. The Senate is expected to pass a comprehensive defense bill later tonight .
